Monday, August 18, 2014

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

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Kath Gilliam
Law Practice Professional
Houston, Texas Area
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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Been a long time, been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely time

This from someone who hates Zeppelin!

I seem to always focus on one issue in my health, which I suppose is better than not focusing at all, but still...

I've been watching the A & E program "Weight."  It is really uplifting and motivational to me.  I don't have  a huge amount of weight to lose, but what I want to lose is not coming off.  Cary bought me a very nice elliptical and I'm loving it!  I've had it for a month or a month and a half?  Anyway, I've been very diligent, and I have resisted the temptation to go gonzo, which is my usual.  I go bananas and then I am hurt and cannot exercise at all for a while.  I don't understand how these people who have such enormous amounts of weight on their bodies can work out at the extreme level they do and not be injured?  Most likely it's that old "at your age" thing again.  Regardless, I have done it the right way and have kept my workouts between 20 and 30 minutes mostly.  It's time to step it up, so I am adding intensity on some days, and length on others.  I am trying to swim more in the pool rather than just cool off.  And Cary has told me that he can tell a difference.  I didn't ask him, he volunteered that information.  That made me feel like a zillion, and it has remotivated me.

But I also need to concentrate on my diet more.  I haven't gained any weight, even though I am replacing flab with muscle, but I do want to lose, so I'm going to have to get stricter.  I'm generally eat well, but I'm going to try this week to focus on fruits, vegetables, lean meats and fiber.  NO SUGAR.  I need to get to the grocery store and stock up on more fruits and veggies.

Things that have helped me in the past:  Lots of bell peppers and onions and mushrooms.  Green beans cooked in chicken broth (and I have these in the freezer).  Avocado, tomato and sprout sandwiches on whole wheat.  Oatmeal.  My lovely greek yogurt that I adore.  Spinach which I have in abundance in the garden.  Cat food....tuna and cottage cheese.  SF pudding with whipped topping.  Iced tea.  V-8  Fat free cheese.  Baked apples

I could so easily be a vegetarian.

Cary is gone until Friday, so it's a great week for me to focus on change.

I don't even know if I have any readers, I don't think so.  This is primarily a weight loss journal for me, so if you're reading this and you don't like it, stop reading.  Oh...and SUCK IT!

If you do like it, send me some of your favorite healthy food ideas and some encouragement.  : )

Monday, September 20, 2010

Re-re-re-focus Again

There is a reason I struggle with my weight--I fall off the wagon repeatedly. Little by little I loosen the reins until I am having dessert after every meal and eating fried foods at restaurants. There is a reason I have to keep motivating myself--because I am really not very motivated to do this. Several times this weekend I thought how much I'd love to just make meals without thinking about their fat, calorie and fiber content! I'm one of those who looks in the mirror and instead of seeing the truth, sees what I want to see. So I require flagellation and information and pep talks constantly.

I realized that I had lost sight of my "swing thoughts"--Cary taught me this golf term that refers to setting your mind on a path for your body to follow. Here are a few of mine:

Food is fuel.

Work out for vigor and strength, because the hot bod days are over.

Drinking water helps you pee away bad stuff.

(Swing thoughts ain't Shakespeare, ok?)

Motivational phrases anyone?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Short and Sweet 16

More A/C leaking, water damage and STRESS here, so this quick update will be about a new frozen treat I found last night at the grocery store. It's a fruity creamy sugar free popsicle kind of a thing made by Philly Swirl, and it only has 16 calories!!! What's more, it is really yummy!

Empty calories are my friend because they satisfy my sweet tooth or munchy needs, so today let's do empty calories. I love rice cakes, sugar free jello and lite cool whip. What are your favorite empty calorie foods?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Straight Poop

Fiber is miraculous. It's like the boom to our oil spill, filtering out bad junk in our bodies (and consequently lowering our cholesterol, blood sugar, bmi, etc.) while making us feel full!

One of my goals this week is to up my fiber intake. I already take supplements, but I want to tap into the dietary fibers. Take a peek at this list of high fiber foods for some ideas.

A few of my favorite fiberlicious foods are: All Bran crackers, fig newtons, okra pickles, hummus, and popcorn! What are yours?